👋 Hey! I'm Daniel

Me in Tver. 2020
Me in Tver. 2020


Currently I'm working @ Yandex, as a Software Engineer. With my team I build a web service partner.yandex.ru, that allows content makers monetize their websites.


I'm studying at RUT on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science bachelor program.

I thought about future possibilities in academics, but I much more like doing things, not to learn general theory about it. So there is 99% chance I will just explore career opportunities, instead of taking some Master degree program.


I have experience with:

Also I enjoy living in Bash terminal, and solving problems in UNIX way (with grep, awk, jq and friends).

Other tech

Got my hands on Golang for a ~1 month, while preparing for internship contents. It is quite interesting language with it's own opinion about syntax and built-in features.

Tried once writing frontend from scratch, with Vue framework in particular, to create a small app for expenses tracking.

I use SQL in day-to-day work, so I will also mention that. In our project we have MySQL, so I just have to work with it. But for personal projects Postgres is my database of choise.

I have a little doubt about including TeX in this part, but here it is 🙂 In first grade I helped my teacher with preparing PDF notes for our Calculus lectures. There was a real need, because we suddenly switched to remote learning, as a part of anti-covid measures.


Greatest leisure time spend, in my opinion, is a long walk with somebody. Just talking and watching world around.

When the weather sucks, and tinkering with things feels boring, I prefer watch movies. Not series, just plain old good movie. Because it has an ending, and you less likely go binge-watch all day.


Once in highschool I created Telegram Bot for helping me and other students prepare to Russian finals. In particular for practicing orthoepy .

I still support it by answering questions and helping users. And recently I added new feature, to allow suggest a new word, so that the bot's database matches words pool of the current year's exams.

It has almost 5K users!


I visited some cities around Russia

Worth to mention Kaluga, my hometown, and Moscow - city where I live and work.

I have plans to visit Saint Petersburg, like for a 2 years, but always had some troubles to go for a trip. if you are reading this and would like to spend a weekend in Saint Petersburg, then text me on Telegram 🙂

Last month , I got an idea for traveling small city in Moscow region named Dubna. It has a great water views, according to tripadvisor.com, and also some weird local sight - A Huge Wooden Chair

Dubna Giant Chair
Giant Wooden Chair (May 2010) / rusmania

You may think, what so exiting about this giant chair? xD But I really love this type of sights. Because it's quite fun reason to arrange a trip, just to see huge / weird thing for yourself.


I like to listen different genres, it depends on current vibe. For example

Some of the artists I follow: Tame Impala, Пошлая Молли, Мы


I'm into technical literature about software development in general, programming languages and cool frameworks. A list of the latest books I've read:

Currently I'm reading Mastering Regular Expressions